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Creative Director: Allen Fawell

Project Director: Sirarpi Ghasabyan

Art Direction: Mike Gabby

Design & Editing: Mike Gabby

Surveys & Interviews: Anush Petrosyan

DoPs: Maria Sargsyan & Mushegh Khachatryan

Video Edit: Maria Sargsyan & Mike Gabby

Music Composed by: Aram Khachaturyan

Special thanks to Artavazd Yeghiazaryan, Katarina Khachatryan, Lush Hakobian & the entire Reezalt team

THE BRIEF: The creative challenge is to suggest a cover design that will revitalize Yerevan Magazine and make it interactive, and part of the people. We need our magazine to have a personal connection with the audience and this cover needs to differ from all the designs from the past. We need something that will create crazy awareness. Our readers are loyal, but there are so many more people out there that could find out about us and become a regular reader. Create something that will engage more people than we normally would.

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THE CREATIVE SOLUTION: The concept for this cover was drawn from the notion that Yerevan Magazine is for Yerevan and Yerevantsis and therefore the cover shouldn't just be from one designer's perspective. So we said to ourselves; "Let's make every Yerevantsi a part of the cover". In doing so, we wanted to symbolize how well Yerevantsi's know, understand and acknowledge Armenian classical music. Random people were asked to doodle the first thing that came to mind when they heard the topic; "Modern Classical Music in Yerevan". After several hundered drawings, we created a cover design using a sample of what Yerevantsis think about modern classical music and left one little spot for every reader to add their own drawing.

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We exist because we believe that advertising and building brand is just as creative driven as it is result driven. We have the ambition to shift the creative advertising landscape in Armenia and beyond. 

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